

Tales of Filmmakers

Date 日期 / Time 时间: Tuesday, 3 May, 4.00pm 5月3日,下午4.00时
Duration 活动时长: 1.5 hours 一小时半
地点 Venue: 奥登剧场 Oldham Theatre
地址 Address: 1 Canning Rise, Singapore 179868

电影节相关影片 Related Films
Barbarian Invasion; Ripples of Life; Striding into the Wind; Back to One; Life of Lai

主持人 Moderator: 黄进远 Francis NG

Admission to Festival Forum is free with registration on https://scff.peatix.com.


Why should a film focus on a filmmaker? Is it to draw creative inspiration from personal experiences? Or is it to satisfy viewers’ curiosity about the industry? How many of these are reflections of the souls of the filmmakers?

How many are purely creative imagination? What are the true and made-up elements in these films? What are the challenges faced in creating such films? Let’s walk into the world of filmmakers telling the tales of filmmakers.

陈翠梅 TAN Chui Mui

《野蛮人入侵》 Barbarian Invasion


TAN Chui Mui (1978, Malaysia) has made more than 20 shorts, winning prizes in Oberhausen and Clermont-Ferrand. She had made three feature films, her first film Love Conquers All won the Busan New Currents Award and Rotterdam Tiger Award. Her latest work Barbarian Invasion won the Jury Grand Prix in Shanghai.

魏书钧 WEI Shujun

《永安镇故事》 Ripples of Life
《野马分鬃》 Striding into the Wind

魏书钧,1991年出生于北京,中国内地电影导演。毕业于中国传媒大学艺术学部音响导演专业。2016年10月,执导的长片处女作《浮世千》入围第21届釜山国际电影节 BIFF“亚洲电影之窗”单元。2018年5月,执导的短片《延边少年》获得第71届戛纳电影节短片竞赛单元特别提及奖。2020年6月,执导的剧情片《野马分鬃》入围第73届戛纳电影节。2021年6月,执导的剧情片《永安镇故事集》入围第74届戛纳电影节导演双周单元。

WEI Shujun was born in 1991 in Beijing, China. He started his career as an actor at 14 years old. He obtained his Master's degree at the Communication University of China. His film credits include On the Border (short film - 2018) and Striding into the Wind (feature - 2020), both of which were featured at the Cannes Film Festival.

邓康生 TANG Kang Sheng

《男人三十》Back to One


TANG Kang Sheng is a graduate from the School of Film and Media Studies at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, and possesses a Bachelor Degree in Digital Filmmaking from the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University. He freelances as a videographer while constantly making short films. He is now pursuing his MFA in Film Directing at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.

黄季雍 HUANG Chi-Yung

《赖桑の黑色喜剧》Life of Lai

黄季雍 2011年毕业于昆⼭科技⼤学视讯传播设计系,毕业后多以商业影像接案为主,以及参与⼀些品牌广告、MV拍摄。黄季雍2017年以《无名理发店》入围坎城影展短片角落观摩单元;2019年创作电影短片《槟榔》;2021年以《赖桑の黑色喜剧》入围金穗奖最佳剧情片以及西宁FIRST青年店影展竞赛单元。


HUANG Chi-Yung graduated from the Department of Motion Pictures and Video, Kun Shan University in 2011. He has various experiences on commercial films, including advertisements and music videos. His film, The Cut (2017), was nominated in Short Film Corner, Festival de Cannes. In 2019, he directed the short film Burgundy Red. Chi-Yung is adept at bringing up universal emotions through stories about ordinary people. He aims to bring more empathic fictions to the world.