
纪录片视角 Documentary Vision
兰陵40 ─ 演员实验教室
Lan Ling 40th: Experimental Actors Studio
台湾 | Taiwan |2023 | 89 | NC16
华语 Mandarin
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 王耿瑜 Ken Yu WANG
东南亚首映 Southeast Asian Premiere
主演 Cast:
金士杰 、刘若瑀、马汀尼
KING Shih Chien, LIU Ruo Yu, MA Tin Ni
简介 Synopsis:
“你为什么是现在的你?” 故事从金士杰的提问开始。40年前,“兰陵剧坊” 在一片荒芜中创立,为台湾小剧场运动揭开序幕;1991年剧团解散。 2018年,兰陵成员再度聚首,由团长金士杰领军,重新创作1983年首演的《演员实验教室》,一部结合剧场游戏与演员生命经验,从中激荡出的集体创作。
纪录片成了 “时间” 的见证!王耿瑜身为兰陵剧坊、《演员实验教室》演员之一,这次拾起摄影机,深入排演过程,记录台下 “兰陵人” 的日常互动。
40年后,为青春献上这篇忏情录。” “Founded in 1980, Lan Ling Theater is the first experimental theater company in Taiwan and the main promoter of the small theater movement. The troupe was disbanded in 1991. Since then, every ten years, everyone starts to re-perform together.
The very moment in life is healed on the stage through performances again and again. Documentary become a witness of time.