
华夏风情画 Chinese Panorama
寻她 Good Autumn, Mommy
中国 | China | 2023 | 107 | NC16
广东话 Cantonese
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 陈仕忠 CHEN Shizhong
东南亚首映 Southeast Asian Premiere
主演 Cast:
SHU Qi, White K, LANG Yueting, ZHANG Benyu, TIAN Niu, YUAN Xiangren, SHAO Weitong, WU Jiani, LI Xiangxuan, ZHANG Yixin, QIU Tian, MAO Tao
简介 Synopsis:
The story took place in a quiet southern cane village, Fong-tai’s family were waiting for the birth of a new family member, but an unexpected incident broke the original quiet and beautiful life. Through setbacks and changes, Fong-tai embarked on an awakening journey to find her family and redefine herself.
奖项 Awards:
The 25th Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) Golden Goblet Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement