
灯火阑珊 A Light Never Goes Out
香港 Hong Kong|2022 | 103 mins | NC16 (内容只宜十六岁及以上 Some Mature Content)
广东话 Cantonese
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 曾宪宁 Anastasia TSANG
新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere
主演 Cast:
Sylvia CHANG, Simon YAM, Cecilia CHOI, Henick CHOU, Ben YUEN, Shing MAK, Alma KWOK, Jacky TONG
简介 Synopsis:
Middle-aged widow Mei Heung has gone through countless sleepless nights since the death of her husband, Bill. One day, she finds a key among the items that Bill left behind, leading her to his secret neon workshop and meet the young apprentice, Leo. She learns from Leo that Bill had an unfulfilled last wish: to recreate a demolished legendary neon sign.
With Leo’s help, Mei-heung tries to uncover the story behind the sign and learns the craft of blowing neon lights in hopes of fulfilling her deceased husband’s last wish with her own hands. As clues of the legendary neon sign gradually emerge, the secrets that Mei-heung couldn’t face are about to be revealed.
奖项 Awards:
The 59th Golden Horse Awards for Best Leading Actress