
焦点影人:洪金宝 Filmmaker in Focus: Sammo Hung
赞先生与找钱华 Warriors Two
香港 | Hong Kong | 1978 | 96 | NC16 (些许暴力画面 Some Violence)
广东话 Cantonese
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 洪金宝 Sammo HUNG
主演 Cast:
Sammo HUNG, LEUNG Ka Yan, Casanova
简介 Synopsis:
咏春第五代传人佛山名医梁赞为人正直,悬壸济世, 深得乡民敬颂。有徒儿肥春性情悬直,找钱华乃春之朋友,在莫记钱庄任掌柜,钱庄老板莫老康表面为一慈祥老人,实乃退隐多年之汪洋大盗。某日, 找钱华无意得悉莫有意与七名恶汉合谋,杀掉镇长,夺其权位。当莫发觉找钱华得悉其行动,马上命人追杀,七大汉首者雷公泰精拳术。找钱华幸不死,其母却被莫杀掉, 找钱华决心向梁赞学咏春,为母报仇。
This is the story of the legendary masters that paved the way for popular films like “Ip Man” to receive international fame and popularity.
Mr Tsang is the fifth generation master of the Wing Chun School of Martial Arts. His student, Fatty, is a failed street hawker, while Wah is a cashier at Mo Money Exchange. One day, seven strangers come to town with plans to kill the town chief in order to help Mo. Wah accidentally discovers this plot and tries to prevent them from taking over Foshan…
*洪金宝出席开场 Greeting by Sammo Hung