
纪录片视角 Documentary Vision

大侠胡金铨 第二部曲:断肠人在天涯
The King of Wuxia Part 2: The Heartbroken Man on the Horizon


台湾 Taiwan|2022 | 95 mins | PG
华语 Mandarin
英文字幕 English subtitles
导演 Director: 林靖杰 LIN Jing-jie

新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere

主演 Cast:

石隽、徐枫、郑佩佩、王童、徐克、 吴宇森、洪金宝
SHIH Chun, HSU Feng, CHENG Pei-pei, WANG Toon, TSUI Hark, John WOO, Sammo HUNG

简介 Synopsis:


Through the director Lin’s exploration, the documentary presents the unique charisma of film maker King Hu’s works and his creative pathway in solitude. The documentary is composed of two parts.

This second episode talks about how Hu’s fate – his wandering life without a place to anchor, from Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, to the US – reflects on his films. Especially in his later years while he was still trying to make films but could not succeed, his life was not as glorious as we assumed. He was once a maker of a new era, but also a lonesome hero caught between different times.

*映后交流(现场)Post-screening Q&A (on-site)