
焦点影人:洪金宝 Filmmaker in Focus: Sammo Hung

奇谋妙计五福星 Winners and Sinners


香港 | Hong Kong | 1983 | 109 | PG13
广东话 Cantonese
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 洪金宝 Sammo HUNG

主演 Cast:

Sammo HUNG, Richard NG, CHING Cheung Lin, FUNG Chui Fan, John SHUM, Cherrie CHUNG

简介 Synopsis:

“福星”系列电影的开山作, 集合五位港片巨星的精彩演出是一大卖点, 洪金宝所饰演茶壶一角成为他日后经典角色鹧鸪菜的雏型, 是一部时装喜剧代表作。

茶壶、死气喉、凡士林、鬈毛积及兰克司五人出狱后决定改邪归正, 同组清洁公司, 并得积之妹妹协助。匪徒正移交假钞电版时遇劫匪, 刚巧被C.I.D. Jackie 看见。匪徒情急下将电版抛进五福星之清洁车中; 五人逐成匪徒追杀之目标, 同时亦是欲夺得该电版之黑帮巨头之猎物; 五福星要施计对付他们两帮人…

This movie was a big inspiration for the “lucky stars” series, is a symbolic work of Mr Hung’s and co-starring five popular HK celebrities.

The five include Teapot, who started a cleaning company after he was released from prison, and a Crack C.I.D. Detective played by Jackie Chan, who was after a counterfeit ring. Jackie Chan’s character was close to busting the ring when the printing plates were robbed, somehow ending up in the five’s van. The ring, and yet another rival gang, then go all out to get the plates back and kill the five. They now have to deal with the killers from both gangs…

奖项 Awards:

The 3rd Hong Kong Film Award for Best Action Choreography